Event design + management

Client: relexa hotels Braunlage Harz-Wald
Location: Braunlage, Germany

Event Identity (signage: digital - screens/TV, menu cards, cocktail posters)
Selfie Photo Booth. 

Various art photography

Client: Private work & Sold work to different buyers 

Offshore Accommodation Vessel Interior Design

Client: OOS International
Location: Brazil + Netherlands

Link: www.oosinternational.com

For the SSCV OOS Gretha I designed decorative wall decals in the cabin and public spaces, wayfinding (floor plans, public space signage, informative posters + decals) with a colour-per-deck system and room decorations such as custom made pillows, greenery & decor - all according to offshore (IMO) fire safety standards. 

Various illustrations

Client: Commissioned work Private work (unfinished + unpublished children's books and more)

Corporate Identity

Client: Offsure Design
Location: Harlingen, Netherlands

Logo. Stationary. Business cards. Interior designs.

Container Module Exterior

Client: Titan X Pelican
Location: Brazil X Netherlands

Exterior design for offshore accommodation & multi-purpose modules.

Web design + graphic design.

Client: Titan Offshore Modules
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Link: titanmodules.com

Health Coach Poster

Client: Leipzig Hat Hunger
Location: Leipzig, Germany

Infographic on poster for health care institutions & private hospitals that use the 7 rules system of nutritionist & health coach Johannes Hunger. 


Client: Waldhexe by Villa Brockenhexe
Location: Harz, Germany

Hand-drawn logo. Jewelry design. T-Shirt design. Harz souvenirs <3

Corporate Event Poster Design

Client: Offsure Design
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Graphic design for poster (and mailing) for a meet-up event

Size: A3 + A2 + Digital

Event design + management

Client: relexa hotels Braunlage Harz-Wald
Location: Braunlage, Germany

Art direction. Event Identity (signage: digital - screens/TV, menu cards, cocktail posters)
Selfie Photo Booth. Budget-keeping. (Handmade) decorations. 

One theme - 6 styles throughout the event.
The festivities start in a corridor - transformed into the path towards the hippie garden, here you can have a drink and make selfies in the garden photo booth.
The party will continue in the main room, with dinner, drinks and live music - all in Woodstock scenery. Every buffet area has a different style, from psychedelic craze to lefty protest after-math.
Where the party ends (or starts actually) is the disco area with cocktail bar - in 'that seventies show' basement chill lounge style.

For more images, please visit my G+ page: KellyBossi+

Corporate Identity

Client: Villa Brockenhexe Ferienappartements
Location: Braunlage, Germany

Hand-drawn logo set. Stationary. Business cards. Digital merchandising.

Brochure Design

Client: Hell - Dunkel
Location: Braunlage + , Germany

Graphic design for hand-out brochures at client meetings and conventions 

Single gate fold A4 when opened

Web design + graphic design. 

Client: Offsure Design
Location: Harlingen, Netherlands

Link: offsure-design.com

Besides food photography also content design + management. 
All photography & graphic designs made by KellyBossi

Client: Villa Brockenhexe Ferienappartements
Location: Braunlage, Germany

Link: villabrockenhexe.blogspot.de

Web design + graphic design. Photography content together with Rudolph Bossinade.

Client: Villa Brockenhexe Ferienappartements
Location: Braunlage, Germany

Link: villabrockenhexe.de

The house is a mix of classic (original structures etc.), quirky, log house in the woods, Scandinavian, baroque & spiritual. This makes not only the identity a hard job, but the website as well. It should be a clean and open website, but with added quirkiness and an 'all over the place' feel so guests would get an instant impression of what it's like to stay at this one-of-a-kind luxurious holiday home.

